HTML Live Editor and Previewer active
HTML live editor and previewer with a simple and i
Image Placeholder Generator active
Simple image placeholder generator tool to create
Bad Word API active
A simple and lightweight API for filtering and che
Flyer Chat active
An embedded WebSocket real-time chat crafted using
YENA maintenance
A music bot for Discord made with Discord.js@13.
ICKY inactive
Old version of YENA made with Discord.js@12.
15 Puzzle game active
The 15-puzzle (Game of Fifteen) is a sliding puzzl
Qr code generator active
A Qr code generator with custom size of QR file.
Up coming api maintenance
My up coming api made with sveltekit
4 KM Area view active
Svelte leaflet map area viewer!" is a project that
TIGET Prototype inactive
An ejs prototype for TIGET Project.
TIGET React inactive
A 2nd year university project ticket selling syste
My new personal website active
My new personal website made with Sveltekit
GEP SWU Website maintenance
A website for Department of Guidance and Education
GEP SWU Server maintenance
A server for Department of Guidance and Educationa
Old ICKURL inactive
URL Shortener made with EJS, Express.js, MongoDB.
ICKAUTH inactive
A authentication server for my old project.